Philadelphia and CGN connect disabled people

Published on 06-01-2019 in Music Unlimited

Philadelphia and CGN connect disabled people

In 2018 a new group joined CGN, making a dream come true. Together with Philadelphia, a national healthcare institution for people with intellectual disabilities, Phila Slag and Phila Vlag presented themselves to the public in Leeuwarden and Eindhoven.

Two years ago we at CGN decided to do more in terms of the connection between our activities and society. The aim is that we, as CGN, want to make it possible to involve people who you initially don’t see much of in our operations.

"The project is about music and movement for people with intellectual disabilities. We do this with a percussion group and a Color Guard group, “explains Jelle Roeper. He is project manager and the connector between CGN, Philadelphia, the instructions, volunteers and the participants.


CGN particularly wants to be the platform that connects organisations and people through our work. For Philadelphia, Phila Slag & Phila vlag fit perfectly within their Philala program, with which they want to bring their clients in touch with music, in the broadest possible sense. Chairman Paul Doop says: "Philadelphia was enthusiastic right from the start. From discussions held in May 2017 with the chairman of the Executive Board to the director responsible for Philadelphia, Esther Primowees, Director of Expertise and Research."
Esther immediately saw the potential of the idea and the added value it could have for Philadelphia’s clients. “It’s important for everyone to gain positive experiences. They won’t forget the applause that awaits them in a hurry.”

Advendo Sneek
The first official performance took place at the CGN Championships in Eindhoven.
For the first time, people with intellectual disabilities were competing. Advendo Sneek was then approached to see whether this could be included as part of the Advendo Corps. Fully consistent with Advendo’s mission and vision it was met with great enthusiasm. Various feasibility studies were subsequently carried out and once this was positively received the decision was taken to include vlag & slag as a complete element of Advendo Sneek.

Effects of music and performance
Esther Primowees, Director of Expertise and Research at Philadelphia, has been a great champion of Slag & Vlag from the outset. She explains what music means for people with intellectual disabilities: "Music has a positive effect on both the body and the brain. Music can help to express, awaken or enhance emotions. This applies to everyone, but for people with an intellectual disability it is even more important. And if you make music together, it’s easy to create a connection with each other. Music can connect and stimulate social interaction in this way. Moreover, practicing together and working towards a performance often leads to increased self-esteem and appreciation of others. This helps you grow as a person and be more confident. The participants of Slag & Vlag won’t forget the sound of the applause in a hurry"

Juliana Middelburg & Arduin
After the successful project Phila Slag and Flag in Sneek, the next project is now ready to start. In addition to Philadelphia and CGN, new partners are also involved, such as the Zeeland Care Organisation Arduin, Juliana Corps Middelburg and the Zeeland Music Association (ZMB).
The journey will commence on Wednesday 24th October with an information evening for clients of Arduin and Philadelphia. Rehearsals will start in January 2019.

CGN is extremely proud to be at the conception of this project. We are pleased that the Philadelphia Foundation has embraced this and that Jelle has come on board as project leader. We are hereby deploying our entire network to connect with the world that is CGN and our fellow citizens with intellectual disabilities. CGN is for everyone!

If you want to know more about these projects, please contact us! CGN, feel the heartbeat!

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